FAV gaming CUP sponsored by v6プラス is a event featuring Clash Royale, Street Fighter V Champion Edition, Rainbow Six Siege organised by KADOKAWA Game Linkage and held from Feb 15th 18:00 through to Mar 7th 17:30. Streamed on YouTube.

Clash Royale feature image
Clash Royale
Clash Royale
Rainbow Six Siege feature image
Rainbow Six Siege
Rainbow Six Siege
Street Fighter V Champion Edition feature image
Street Fighter V Champion Edition
Street Fighter V Champion Edition
FAV gaming CUP sponsored by v6プラス
2020, Feb 15th ~ 2020, Mar 7th
Clash Royale

Clash Royale

Rainbow Six Siege

Rainbow Six Siege

Street Fighter V Champion Edition

Street Fighter V Champion Edition

KADOKAWA Game Linkage
Japan Network Enabler
Prize Money
Clash Royale: ¥1,200,000
Rainbow Six Siege: ¥1,200,000
Street Fighter V Champion Edition: ¥1,200,000
Event Days

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